Submission and Style guide
Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by David Both
Image by: Opensource.com CC-by-SA 4.0
To get started writing for us, please review and follow our style guide for articles.
Open source license requirements
Both.org accepts articles about software, hardware, and other open source-related topics. Regarding software, hardware, and design, the projects or tools must hold certain licenses to be publishable on the site. There’s a lot of information on the internet that’s free to download but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s open source. To ensure you’re writing about open source, please review the list of resources below. If you have any questions, contact us.
Hardware (includes design)
Information (content and data)
To search for the license
- Find the repo (GitHub, GitLab, etc)
- Look for the license file, usually called “LICENSE” or “COPYING”
- View the license and verify that it’s an OSI license or an FSF-approved license.
- Use a search engine: Enter the “project name”
Additional information
Some projects may not be on GitHub or GitLab or even in a Git repository, but they can still be open source software (Apache.org, Linux Foundation, and Google projects, for instance, often host their own software).
Dual-licensing is acceptable as long as there is an option for an open source license. Articles must make special note of the different licenses available, and should not cover features unavailable to the open source version.
Learn more about:
- The difference between Creative Commons and Public Domain
- How to share hardware files
- How to provide and use open data via Open Data Commons
- How to use Creative Commons with data
The readers of Both.org are technical and non-technical. Many are open source and/or Linux enthusiasts and users. They come from many different backgrounds and fields of study. We welcome all to learn more about open source! To that end, please:
- Include links to open source projects mentioned in your article or to a Wikipedia page describing the project. Ensure these links are valid and legitimate.
- Explain or link to relevant open source licenses, organizations, standards, etc.
- Include links to technical ideas and terms that may not be known by a non-technical audience.
Grammar and spelling
Our editorial team gives each article a thorough copy edit for grammar, spelling, formatting, style, and more. The process is expedited when authors make an effort to proofread and apply proper grammar and spelling to article drafts.
Word count
We don’t worry too much about word count, and neither should you. If having a word count helps you structure your writing, here are a few guidelines:
500-600 words: Around 500 words might be all you need to provide a project update, announce a new conference, or share other timely open source news.
Examples: Tomb Raider coming to Linux, Vulkan support added Wine, and more gaming news (~399 words)
600-800 words: For reference, a 1-2 page print magazine article is around 750 words (1 page without images, 2 pages if it includes several images and/or screenshots). This is a good range for a regular feature article, column submission, interview, or roundup. Consider adding a sub-head or two to break up the text and walk readers through sections of the article.
2 free desktop recording tools to try: SimpleScreenRecorder and Kazam (~639 words)
5 open source home automation tools (~888 words)
800-1,300 words: How-tos, getting-started guides, tutorials, and more thorough roundups that go a little more in-depth tend to be longer than feature articles.
Top 11 project management tools for 2016 (~1,286 words)
10 tips for making your documentation crystal clear (1,041 words)
1,300+ words: If your article is much longer than 1,300 words (e.g., closer to 2,000), we might consider breaking the story up into multiple parts.
Examples of a two-part series:
- When selling a site means selling a community (Part 1: ~963 words)
- Still reeling, SourceForge looks to the future (Part 2: ~1,774 words)
Subheads: If your article is longer than 500 words, consider adding subheads to break up the text and make your article easier to read. Use <h2> and/or <h3> headers. If your article is longer than 1,300 words, we might consider breaking the article into a longer series.
Interviews: Use bold for the questions and regular formatting for the answers.
Inline formatting: We allow italics and bolding, but please use these sparingly. Although using dashes (–like these) is common, we usually use mdash characters (—like this).
Code formatting: If your article contains code, please delineate it with the <code> tag and our editorial team will confirm the proper formatting before publication. If it’s a short piece of code, the name of the function, or some other small snippet, feel free to leave it in-line within a paragraph, but longer chunks should be broken onto new lines. Do not use blockquotes or the <pre> tag for code samples.
Avoid using phrases like “in the code below” or “in the code above”, because layout is never guaranteed. Instead, use a consistent pattern: introduce a block of code by identifying what it does, and then show the reader the code. You may explain more about the code sample afterwards, but if there’s another code sample after that, you should clearly introduce it. By following this pattern, you help readers stay clear about what each code sample does, and you avoid confusion about what code is being referred to.
Tables: HTML tables don’t resize to fit screens, making them difficult to read on mobile devices. Use bullet lists instead.
Hyperlinks: When linking to an outside source within your article, choose the option to open the link in a new tab with the target=”_blank” attribute.
Lead images: Lead images are added to every article that is published on Opensource.com by the editorial team. If you would like to suggest a lead image to be used instead, please let us know. If the editors agree that the image is a good fit, please send image attribution and licensing details.
Inline images: Inline images and screenshots add visual interest, may help to illustrate your article, and break up the text. If you include images, be sure that they match the license being used for your article (our default is Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0), or let us know what the license is and that you have permission to share them on our site.
- Attribution: Include image credits and license details when you submit your draft and images.
- Format: Submit images as files, attached to your email. Do not place images inside the draft.
- Size: No larger than 1920×1080.
- Label images: Label images so editors can easily tell where each image should be used within an article (mylinux.webp).
- Add captions (if applicable): Be sure to reference within your article text where your image should go and what the caption should read. (for example: [mylinux.webp] Caption: This is a screenshot of my Linux desktop.)
- It’s rarely appropriate to take a screenshot of text and include it as an image. Screen readers used by the blind can’t “see” text embedded within an image, so if what you’re trying to demonstrate in a screenshot can be better expressed as a code block, just use text instead.
Our editorial team does not require many specifics, but we do strive for correctness and consistency. Here are our main uses:
- Serial commas (cat, dog, and mouse), also called Oxford commas.
- Write out numbers below 10 (nine, eight, and seven)
- Format dates as December 1, 2014 (not December 1st, 2014)
- Place dots and commas inside quotation marks (except in code samples)
- Lowercase and use the term open source (do not use Open Source, opensource, or open-source)
Submission guide
Original content
If your article (or a version of your article) has already been published on another site, please let us know. Generally, we publish original articles, but we will consider reprinting articles or running a revised version. In any case, we’ll want to know upfront whether your submission has or will also appear elsewhere.
The readers of Opensource.com tend to be open source, Linux enthusiasts, and users, and thus computer-savvy; however, readers come from many different backgrounds and fields of study. And, because our mission is to educate readers on a variety of topics as they relate to open source, we:
- Include links to open source projects mentioned in the article, or to a Wikipedia page describing the project at its first mention
- Explain or link to other open source licenses, organizations, standards, etc.
- Include links to technical ideas and terms that may not be known by a non-technical audience
- Spell out acronyms the first time they are used [e.g., Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)]
Document format
We accept articles in a variety of formats: .odt, .txt, .docx, .html, Docbook, .adoc, or .md file attachment. If you submit a link to an Etherpad or Google document, do not revise the document after you submit it. We download and edit what you send us, so we won’t see your changes.
Save all images as files and attach to your submission email. Use descriptive terms when naming your images, and include the name in the article draft where you want the image placed. Finally, along with the files, send image attribution information for EACH file: who is the photo by and what is the license?
Review process
Send your draft to open@both.org. Include the license for your work (our default is Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0). You must have an account on this site so we can attribute your articles properly. If we accept your article, we will create an account for you.
Please add a recent photo and a short biography to your Both.org account.
Alternatively, you could use a Gravatar account for the email address you use on your Both.org account. Your Gravitar account should contain a recent photo and a short biography. Our WordPress software will find and display that on your articles based on your email address.
The editorial team will review your submission and respond with next steps.
If your submission is approved for publication, revisions may be requested. The editorial team will make copy edits and more in-depth suggestions if needed. Typically we publish articles within 2-3 weeks after the final revision is approved by the author.
Licensing: We publish content on our site under a Creative Commons BY-SA license. We will consider other licensing options on a case-by-case basis.
Links: All links are subject to the approval of the both.org editorial team. If the primary purpose of your submission is to provide a backlink to your company or product, we are not the right publication for your article. We focus on stories about open source projects, technologies, and communities, not products. Although a product pitch is not a good fit for us, there may be a great story about how you’re using or giving back to open source at your organization that we’d love to help you tell.
We strive to publish articles in a timely manner after they are reviewed, edited, and prepared for publication by our editorial team, while also managing our calendar and maintaining a steady cadence. If it is important to you that an article is published by or on a certain date, or if it contains information under embargo until a certain date, please share this with the editorial team during your initial communication.
Promoting your articles
We suggest using various social media accounts to promote your articles.
All content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-SA license unless otherwise noted.