Check spelling at the command line
Check spelling at the command line like old-school Unix with this cool script.
Guess the number in FORTRAN 77
Explore classic programming in FORTRAN 77 with this sample program.
Count magic bunnies in LibreOffice Calc
Use this tutorial to learn about AutoFill in LibreOffice Calc.
LibreOffice Calc functions to make your work easier
Here are the LibreOffice Calc functions that I use all the time to get my work done.
A look back: FORTRAN 77
Take a step back in time to a time when programs were punched on cards.
Converting WordStar files
Explore how this popular word processor stored data, so you can convert your old files.
5 things I love about Xfce Terminal
I use these Xfce Terminal features all the time to work at the command line.
Visual brand and identity
A user interface has a visual identity. See how simple shapes can represent several common interfaces.
Automate Raspberry Pi tasks with crontab
If you need to do a task on a regular schedule, explore how you can use crontab to do the repetitive work for you.
My favorite Vim color schemes
Customize Vim to use the color scheme that works best for you.
Celebrating 30 years of FreeDOS
FreeDOS is a great example of the open source model: developers working together to create new programs
How many usability testers do you need?
It doesn’t take many testers to get results that are “good enough” to improve your design.
Screencasts for usability testing
With screencasts, you can extend your usability testing.
Usability testing in open source software
Through usability testing, we can make open source software projects easier for everyone to use.
Tips on writing open source documentation
Adjust your style when writing documentation to reach a wider audience.
Open source in organizations
Open source is a power multiplier for today’s IT organizations.