Why my need for control made me switch to Linux


Linux gives me the freedom to control how I use my computer. Plus, it’s free and open source.

I am a control freak. I like to be in control. I got my pilot’s license so I could fly an airplane for fun, but it also helped me understand what is happening when I fly commercial. So now I find myself explaining to other travelers that, while not a normal occurrence, landing with the malfunctioning flaps in the up position is something that all pilots train extensively for. Yes, that is something that happened to my wife and me on a commercial flight a couple of years ago.

I am like that about my computers, too. I like to be able to control everything. Most small business owners like to be in control, too.

Linux lets you do anything. You can terminate any process you own or delete any file you own. If you log in as root, also called the administrator or superuser, Linux assumes you know what you’re doing. Once you become root, everything is allowed; you can even delete files and terminate processes that belong to other users.

Another aspect of complete control is that you decide for yourself when updates are performed. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen Windows running displays in commercial establishments like my gym or when a presenter was onstage stuck in the blue screen of updates (BSOU) because Windows decided that right now during your presentation was the right time to force your computer to do updates. During which you can do nothing else. Linux even allows you to perform updates while doing other things. If a reboot is required you can choose when you want to do it. Of course, I strongly suggest you never begin an upgrade during a presentation!

To me, it is about control. Oh, yeah, and it is free and I can share it.