Intro to the Linux chgrp and newgrp commands
In a recent article, I introduced the chown command, which is used for modifying ownership of files on systems. Recall that ownership is the combination...
Intro to the Linux chown command
Image by: CC-by-SA 4.0 Every file and directory on a Linux system is owned by someone, and the owner has complete control to change...
Intro to the Linux chmod command
Every object on your Linux system has a permission mode that describes what actions a user can perform on it. There are three types of...
Intro to the Linux useradd command
Adding a user is one of the most fundamental exercises on any computer system; this article focuses on how to do it on a Linux system.
Extend the life of your Linux SSD drive with fstrim
SSDs have benefits like silent and cooler operation and a faster interface spec, compared to their elder spinning ancestors. Of course, new technology brings with it new methods of maintenance and management. SSDs have a feature to reclaim unused blocks on the device.
Use lspci on Linux to see your hardware
Sometimes you need to identify the hardware in a system. One command used for this is lspci.
How to update a Linux symlink
UNIX and Linux users find many uses for links, particularly symbolic links. One way that I like to use symbolic links is to manage configuration backups of various IT equipment.
Getting started with the Linux cat command
Cat is a fairly simple tool designed to concatenate and write file(s) to your screen, which is known as standard output (stdout). The simplest use of cat is to show the contents of a file.
What’s in a name?
Computers have network addresses, but they’re usually difficult for humans to remember. Hostnames are labels intended to help humans refer to a specific computer.
Serial communication on Linux
Learn to use the ancient serial communications hardware and software methods that are needed even today in many data centers.