First draft complete


I have completed the first draft of my book and all of my 26 chapters have been submitted to my publisher. Of those chapters, 24 have already been  reviewed by Ben Cotton, my technical reviewer, and revised as necessary. I have also made significant progress on producing a bibliography and a list of keywords for indexing. Fortunately I do not need to do the actual indexing because my list is very long.

I received the proof for the cover and it looks very good. It is actually pretty amazing to see a book cover with my name on it. I contributed a couple chapters to the book “Inside OS/2” about 30 years ago, and although my biography was inside as an author, my name was not on the cover. So this is quite special for me. I hope it won’t be the last because I already have an idea for my next Linux book. More on that as my thoughts on that begin to solidify.

I am still well ahead of schedule and expect this book to be available earlier than the original estimates. I will post the availability dates here as soon as I know what they are expected to be. There is still a lot of work to do, such as reviewing the galley proofs.