Top 5 open source stories of 2024
2024 has been an interesting year in the news for many reasons. The open source world has been generating a lot of news this year....
This Website Is Now Secure
For a number of reasons, including the fact that it's been on my todo list for a long time, I have enabled HTTPS (Secure HTTP)...
My Next Book
Linux for Small Business Owners: Using Free and Open Source Software to Power Your Dreams by David Both, Cyndi Bulka My next book, Linux for...
Fedora 32 rocks – with a couple issues
Fedora 32 became available yesterday and - LinuxGeek46 that I am - I managed to upgrade 7 out of 8 of my Fedora hosts yesterday...
“Using and Administering Linux – Zero to SysAdmin” to be translated into Korean
This morning I learned from my editor that Apress has licensed all three volumes of Using and Administering Linux – Zero to SysAdmin for translation...
“Using and Administering Linux” now available on Amazon
Updated 2019-12-23 The books in my three-volume series, Using and Administering Linux - Zero to SysAdmin, are just now becoming available on Amazon. Using and...
Book update
I have been quite busy the last couple weeks working on the proofs for "Using and Administering Linux." I have completed work on Volume 1...
“Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins” to be translated into Chinese
I have just learned that China Machine Press, a Chinese company based in Beijing, has purchased the rights to translate my first book, "The Linux...
Technical revisions completed
This weekend I completed the technical revisions on Volume 3 of my definitive 3-volume self-study course, "Using and Administering Linux - Zero to SysAdmin." This...
The end is near!
For the first draft of my book, that is. I am currently finishing work on the last three chapters of Volume 3 of my forthcoming...
Book Details Updated
Now that we have revised the structure and Table of Contents for my upcoming three volume book, Using and Administering Linux -- Zero to SysAdmin,...
News about “Using and Administering Linux – Zero to SysAdmin”
Due to the massive amount of material that will be covered in my new book, "Using and Administering Linux - Zero to SysAdmin," my publisher,...
First Draft Complete
Late this afternoon I completed the first draft of the last chapter in my book, "Using and Administering Linux." This is book 1 in my...
Linux process scheduling
I read an informative and interesting article today at about process scheduling in Linux, CFS: Completely fair process scheduling in Linux. It goes into...
Yet another book contract
I have just signed with Apress for third book about Linux. With two books now in the pipeline it looks like I will be busy...
New book in the works
This morning I signed a contract to write another book for Apress. This book will also be about Linux but it will be different from...