Linux Desktop History
I have found a very concise and interesting history of the Linux Desktop. If you are interested check it out at How the Linux desktop...
Outage fixed
A few days ago we had an outage on this web site that lasted from Monday through Wednesday night. This has - obviously - now...
Book Details Updated
Now that we have revised the structure and Table of Contents for my upcoming three volume book, Using and Administering Linux -- Zero to SysAdmin,...
News about “Using and Administering Linux – Zero to SysAdmin”
Due to the massive amount of material that will be covered in my new book, "Using and Administering Linux - Zero to SysAdmin," my publisher,...
First Draft Complete
Late this afternoon I completed the first draft of the last chapter in my book, "Using and Administering Linux." This is book 1 in my...
My next book: Using and Administering Linux
From Zero to Linux SysAdmin Self-Study - Book 1 My next book is a self study course, "Using and Administering Linux - From Zero to...
Innovative New Linux Desktops and other Changes in Fedora 30
Fedora 30 was released on April 30. The Fedora Wiki contains a complete list of the changes that were accepted for inclusion in this release....
Upgrading to Fedora 30
Yesterday, April 30, Fedora 30 became available. Fedora 30 has some interesting new features as well as some bug fixes so I decided that I...
Linux process scheduling
I read an informative and interesting article today at about process scheduling in Linux, CFS: Completely fair process scheduling in Linux. It goes into...
Server repairs completed
It has been a challenging few days due to a series of hardware failures. I had two systems that were complete failures two with minor...
Server upgrade in the works
After some work to determine the extent of my server problems, I have decided that it is time to go for a complete upgrade. I...
Why I Hate Windoze
I was working with a VM this afternoon that has WInblowz 10 installed to do some testing for a book and took a few screen shots to include in that book. After I finished up with that, I was going to shut down the VM but then – the Blue Screen of Updates that lasted forever.
Fun with ASCII art on the Linux command line
This really brings back memories of when I worked night shift on an IBM 1401 and we used to print ASCII art on the IBM...
The eBook version of The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins on sale for $7
The eBook version of my book is currently on sale for $7.00 at Apress from now through November 26, 2018. Click on the image...
Book availability update
My book The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins is now available in hardcopy (softcover) at Amazon. Please note that for a couple days Amazon was fulfilling...
Book hardcopy available on Amazon
My book The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins is now available in hardcopy (softcover) at Amazon. Please note that Amazon is fulfilling this via a third...