A Journey Towards Ad-Free Photography Sharing
I’ve been interested in photography since I co-opted my father’s Kodak 620 camera as a young boy. I used it to take pictures of the...
Personal backups with ‘rsync’
Make backups of your personal data in case your laptop is lost, stolen, or damaged.
How to get a clean screen — on the command line
After some time using terminal sessions they can get a bit cluttered with previous commands and their output data streams. At other times, I want...
Using enumerations in C
Using enumerations with enum makes it easy to store values in a program, yet keep the code easy to read.
How to do updates on the command line
Keeping your Linux computer as safe as possible from various types of cyber attacks is only possible if you perform updates regularly and upgrade to...
The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins, Tenet 18 —Find the simplicity
Author’s note: This article is excerpted in part from chapter 17 of my book, The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins, with some changes to update the...
For a traditional Unix experience, try Crux Linux
The Linux operating system can be implemented in many ways, and these implementations can very generally be divided into "traditional" Unix and modern Linux. This...
Empowering Everyone: Accessibility Features in LibreOffice
LibreOffice.org is my preferred productivity suite, and I've covered how I use it both as a graphical office suite and a terminal command in the past. In this article,...
Using bit fields and bit masks in C
Using bit fields and bit masks is a common method to combine data without using more complex structures.
The secrets of the usermod command
Most SysAdmins use a diverse set of commands, but it's usually the same set of commands. And, most frequently, the same set of options for...
How Kiwix Is Revolutionizing Offline Access to Global Information
Emmanuel Engelhart and Renaud Gaudin wanted everyone to have access to Wikipedia, and in 2007, the dream became a reality with the creation of Kiwix. The project aimed at...
Looking ahead to FreeDOS 1.4
Help test the next version of FreeDOS with the FreeDOS 1.4 Release Candidate 1 distribution.
Using htop to manage your Linux system
I use a lot of tools in my daily SysAdmin role. One of the most important ones in my toolkit is htop. The htop program...
Etherpad: Revolutionizing Real-Time Collaboration
A conversation with a friend today led me to remember Etherpad. In an age of digital collaboration, finding the right tool to facilitate effective teamwork is...
Processing files with ‘find’ and ‘xargs’
Here’s how I used ‘find’ and ‘xargs’ to locate the articles I wrote and count the words.
My mom requests a Linux computer
Image by: Opensource.com Editor’s note: This article by David Both was published by Opensource.com on November 16, 2015. It’s republished here without changes by permission...